Suggestions & Requests


To submit a video topic or idea, please use the button from down below to write your desired idea and/or topic whilst submitting a voluntary donation to

Voluntary donations are used for content creation purposes, to upgrade media equipment whenever possible and to keep on improving overall production quality.


STEP 1: When making a video suggestion / request, please indicate the amount that you’d like to donate. In the “Add a note” section, type “VIDEO” and specify the desired idea / topic afterwards.

STEP 2: If you’d like to have a public shout out for the requested topic or idea, please include your name or Instagram username in the “Add a note” section at the end.

STEP 3: Descriptions should be as short as possible to get the main points across. Please note that the videos may be uploaded on various video integrated platforms. Submit once fully completed.

Note: If you wish to stay anonymous, please do not include your name or Instagram username in the “Add a note” section at the end. Only type in the video idea/topic itself.

If you don’t include any names/usernames, we will assume and process your requests as anonymous by default.

Thank you very much for your support !

By donating, you agree & accept our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

By donating, you agree & accept our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.